SOMAH Incentive Budget Report

Table 1: Project Capacity and Budget summarizes the committed and remaining budget for the SOMAH program authorized by AB 693. Track A provides incentives for projects that require Upfront Technical Assistance. Track B provides incentives for projects that do not require technical assistance and have identified an eligible contractor for the project. Projects under Track A will have their incentive funds earmarked for a three-month period prior to a Reservation Request.

Table 2: Cumulative Program Budget summarizes the program dollars collected to data, by fiscal year, and identifies application totals and available program funds. Any unused funds in one program year will roll over to become available in the next program year.

SOMAH data is current as of December 23, 2024.

Table 1: Project Capacity and Budget

Waitlist Earmarked1 Pending Reservation2 Reserved3 Completed Application Totals4 Total Remaining5
PG&E Track A 0 0 1.011 3,236,081 0 0 0.182 382,457 0.051 72,177 1.244 3,690,715
Track B 0 0 0 0 4.947 10,870,075 31.013 62,984,630 14.604 29,345,863 50.564 103,200,568 279,709,299 172,818,016
Total 0 0 1.011 3,236,081 4.947 10,870,075 31.195 63,367,087 14.655 29,418,040 51.808 106,891,283
SCE Track A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.207 339,714 0.285 947,237 0.492 1,286,951
Track B 0 0 0 0 1.507 3,446,039 15.883 34,849,310 12.483 24,618,698 29.873 62,914,047 337,783,742 273,582,744
Total 0 0 0 0 1.507 3,446,039 16.090 35,189,024 12.768 25,565,935 30.365 64,200,998
SDG&E Track A 0 0 1.242 3,975,364 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.242 3,975,364
Track B 0 0 0 0 1.528 3,391,083 5.923 12,291,414 4.730 9,337,704 12.181 25,020,201 92,638,062 63,642,497
Total 0 0 1.242 3,975,364 1.528 3,391,083 5.923 12,291,414 4.730 9,337,704 13.423 28,995,565
PacifiCorp Track A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0
Track B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,219,582 10,219,582
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Liberty Utilities Track A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0
Track B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.055 120,170 0 0 0.055 120,170 2,452,225 2,332,055
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.055 120,170 0 0 0.055 120,170
TOTAL Track A 0 0 2.253 7,211,445 0 0 0.389 722,171 0.336 1,019,414 2.978 8,953,030
Track B 0 0 0 0 7.982 17,707,197 52.874 110,245,524 31.817 63,302,265 92.673 191,254,986 722,802,910 522,594,894
Total 0 0 2.253 7,211,445 7.982 17,707,197 53.263 110,967,695 32.153 64,321,679 95.651 200,208,016

1 Projects that select Track A will have their incentive funding earmarked (upon Upfront Technical Assistance Approved) for a three-month period prior to a Reservation Request.
2 Projects that have submitted a Reservation Request but have not yet received Reservation Approval are considered to be Pending Reservation. Excludes Earmarked capacity and funds (projects
that have not yet submitted a Reservation Request).
3Projects that have received Reservation Approval will have their funds reserved for 18 months.
4Application Totals include capacity and budget values for Earmarked, Pending Reservation, Reserved, and Completed projects.
5The SOMAH PA may maintain a small buffer in each territory’s budget in order to accommodate potential incentive fluctuations in an application which may be spurred by IOU data request results, future load additions, solar sizing tool recommendations, or other reasons.

Table 2: Cumulative Program Budget5

2016 Budget1
2017 Budget
2018 Budget
2019 Budget
True-up2 ($)
2020 Budget
2021 Budget
2022 Budget4
2023 Budget
2024 Budget
2025 Budget
Application Totals3
Total Budget
Remaining Budget
PG&E 1,740,992 4,359,110 39,330,000 33,963,300 31,620,584 34,898,605 28,448,281 41,600,106 38,400,027 25,348,294 TBD 106,891,283 279,709,299 172,818,016
SCE 2,733,251 4,536,050 41,400,000 30,581,476 45,542,591 20,410,891 57,569,657 66,028,108 43,839,644 25,142,074 TBD 64,200,998 337,783,742 273,582,744
SDG&E 0 0 9,270,000 9,104,076 11,343,785 10,294,957 9,831,156 17,308,193 13,454,945 12,030,950 TBD 28,995,565 92,638,062 63,642,497
PacifiCorp 422,443 961,291 1,009,512 1,150,528 0 1,177,394 1,090,332 1,512,862 1,606,391 1,288,829 TBD 0 10,219,582 10,219,582
Liberty Utilities 132,440 258,329 314,706 419,517 0 326,327 300,128 401,608 299,170 TBD TBD 120,170 2,452,225 2,332,055
TOTAL 5,029,126 10,114,780 91,324,218 75,218,897 88,506,960 67,108,174 97,239,554 126,850,877 97,600,177 63,810,147 0 200,208,016 722,802,910 522,594,894

1Collections begin with the fiscal year that commences July 1 and end with the fiscal year ending June 30 of the following year.
2Investor Owned Utilities were directed to set aside additional funding in their 2020 Energy Resource Recovery Account (ERRA) and Energy Cost Adjustment Clause (ECAC) proceedings to make up for under-collections in the 2016-2019 program years.
3Application Totals include capacity and budget values for Earmarked, Pending Reservation, Reserved, and Completed projects.
4Decision (D.) 22-09-009 amended D.17-12-022, for the SOMAH forecast budgeting process. Each IOU can propose to set aside their proportionate share of $100 million for SOMAH, if they adequately show that the IOUs' collective revenue will exceed $100 million. The SOMAH PA releases funds based on the IOUs’ set-asides, then true-up the final three months of the year once the IOUs submit their Joint Advice Letter. 2022 figures will be amended through a true-up in 2023.
5SOMAH is funded using a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of greenhouse gas allowances allocated to PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, Liberty Utilities and PacifiCorp and forecasted through their ERRA and ECAC filings. Funds are released for the program after they are transferred to the respective IOUs’ balancing accounts for the applicable collection year. The IOUs have varying cadences of funding release (quarterly vs. annually) and include true-ups for prior years in the annual collections amount. As a result, there may be a negative value displayed in Table 2 depending on cadence and values that are released for each territory. Collections are authorized for the program through June 30, 2026 with funding available through the life of the program, December 31, 2032.

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