Per CPUC Decision (D.)14-11-001 and authorization by CPUC Energy Division, California Distributed Generation Statistics publishes data on projects interconnected under the IOU’s Rule 21 tariffs, including all NEM systems, regardless of technology type or program. The three large California Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) include Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Southern California Edison Company (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E).

California Distributed Generation Statistics also publishes all IOU data from the California Solar Initiative incentive program and other publicly available incentive program data sets.

Distributed Generation Interconnection Program Data

Distributed Generation (incl. NEM/NBT PV) Interconnection Data Sets

The Distributed Generation (incl. NEM/NBT NEM PV) Interconnection Data Sets provide a full view of all Rule 21 interconnected systems within PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E service territories from 1982 to present. The integration and data integrity tests of the non-NEM/NBT PV data is ongoing between the IOUs and the CPUC. Please use your best discretion when using and making representations from this data.

The Interconnected Project Sites Data Set contains all interconnected (excluding pending and decommissioned) projects with one row per interconnection address/project site. The Interconnected Applications Data Set contains all interconnected (excluding pending) applications including those that are decommissioned. Additionally, when a project is modified (such as adding capacity) a new interconnection application must be submitted to the IOUs, so some projects have multiple interconnection applications. When an application in the Applications Data Set has a “Superseding ID” or a “Preceding ID,” it will be combined and summed with another application then represented as one project “row” in the Project Sites Data Set. Please review the Read Me for further detail.

The IOUs submit both NEM/NBT PV and non-NEM/NBT PV interconnection data on a monthly basis for data integrity testing and publishing preparation. Data is typically published 6 weeks after the end of the given month.

*Note: During 2024 many generator and inverter columns were erroneously duplicated in PG&E’s data set. These duplicates have been removed as of the publication of the December 2024 data set.

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NEM/NBT Interconnection Times Data Set

The Interconnection Times Data Set contains the average interconnection time (in calendar days) for net metering NEM/NBT applications from the day the NEM/NBT application and all the required attachments are deemed complete by the utility to the day the NEM/NBT application is issued a “permission to operate notice”. These values are provided directly from PG&E, SCE and SDG&E and are updated on a quarterly basis.

Download Interconnection Times Data Set

Current as of December 31, 2024

Distributed Generation Incentive Program Data

Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program

This dataset includes incentive applications from PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, Pacificorp, and Liberty territories and is updated weekly. The SOMAH Job Training Data Set contains all information on SOMAH job training outcomes and local hiring incentives. For more information about these data sets, please see the Read Me document below.

Download SOMAH Working Data Set

Current as of Mar. 10, 2025 (783.7KB)

CSI Working Data Set

The California Solar Initiative (CSI) Working Data Set represents the CSI incentive application data from PG&E, SCE and SDG&E service territories for the now-closed CSI Program, with the exception of applications removed due to erroneous data. The applications with critical data errors are found in the Excluded Applications file. Any charts or graphs depicting CSI data on California Distributed Generation Statistics are created from the CSI Working Data Set.

CSI Measured Production Data Set

CSI incentive applications that received Performance-Based Incentives (PBI) also provided monthly system production data, which can be found in the Measured Production Data Set.

CSI 15-Minute Interval Data

As part of the program’s measurement and evaluation effort, the CSI program authorized the program contractor Itron to install production meters on 504 CSI systems in 2010. Fifteen minute interval generation data was collected on a quarterly basis through 2016. In 2018, Clean Power Research, L.L.C. (CPR) was commissioned by the California Energy Commission to develop an improved CSI 15-minute Interval dataset via simulated data. The simulated dataset was built on measured historical production data from 414 of the 504 systems that were monitored, with the remaining 90 systems discarded due to data issues.

Gaps in the measured data and invalid data were filled and replaced with simulated data reflecting the characteristics of the underlying systems. These simulated 15-minute datasets are available for download by zip code or by individual CSI project. The raw 15-minute datasets are also available for download. Please note: the files are large and may take several minutes to download.

CSI Thermal Program Data

The CSI Thermal Program is closing on October 31, 2024 and closed to new applications on July 31, 2020. The static data set includes incentive applications for electric-, propane- and natural gas- displacing solar hot water systems from PG&E, SCE, SDG&E and Southern California Gas Company (SCG) service territories.

Low-Income Solar PV Data

The Low-Income Solar PV Data Set contains all applications received through the Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) programs, the Multi-family Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) programs and the Disadvantaged Communities - Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) program. This data set includes incentive applications from PG&E, SCE and SDG&E territories and is updated weekly. Please note that SASH 1.0 and MASH 1.0 incentive applications are also included in the CSI Working Data Set. For more information about this data set please see the Read Me document below.

Download Low-Income Solar PV Data Set

Current as of Mar. 06, 2025 (5.8MB)

New Solar Homes Partnership Program (NSHP) Data

The New Solar Homes Partnership program makes incentive data for new solar homes available on the California Energy Commission website. This data set includes incentive applications from PG&E, SCE, SDG&E and Bear Valley Electric Service (BVES) service territories.

Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Data

The Self Generation Incentive Program publishes a weekly data set of all incentive applications which includes all incentives from 2001 for a variety of distributed generation technologies. This data set includes incentive applications from PG&E, SCE, SDG&E and SCG service territories. SGIP incentive applications that receive Performance-Based Incentives (PBI) also provide monthly system production data.

Emerging Renewables Program (ERP) Data

The California Energy Commission makes data sets available containing all data for the now-closed Emerging Renewables Program, which provided incentives statewide for a variety of renewable distributed generation technologies.

Publicly Owned Utility (POU) & Other IOU Solar Data

Publicly owned utilities (POUs) and California’s other IOUs report NEM interconnection project and capacity totals data to the Energy Information Administration. These totals are updated here quarterly.

Net Energy Metering Fuel Cell Performance Data

The Net Energy Metering Fuel Cell Performance Data contains performance data for Net Energy Metering Fuel Cell tariff participants from the previous calendar year.
March 2024 note: Data collection will start in 2024, so the first data set will be published by March 31, 2025.